Flower Mug Rug Coaster Pattern

Today I’m sharing a simple project for how to make a quilted spring mug rug coaster!

You can use this coaster under a cup of tea as you’re quilting, on a coffee table under an ice-cold glass of water, or under your favorite adult beverage as you relax from a long day!

This 5” x 5” easy quilting project is so fun you’re going to want to make lots of these useful “mug rugs”!

This pretty and functional mini-quilt uses raw edge applique which is so easy to do!

It’s a fun way to hone your applique skills for using on bigger projects!

My spring coaster pattern is a fun project to do with friends, it only takes about an hour or so to complete!! 

You can make several coasters in an evening or afternoon of sewing.

I love giving these spring coasters for gifts!!  They’d be a great homemade Mother’s Day gift or hostess gift!!

Let’s get started!!!

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Supplies Needed for this Spring Mug Rug Coaster Pattern

Gather up some pieces of fabric from your stash or purchase a few fat eights or fat quarters to make this fun quilting project!!

I chose a teal-colored solid background fabric for my spring coaster.  I think a solid fabric will show off the flower best, but if you’d like to use a small tone-on-tone print fabric it’d work just fine too!!

Choose two coordinating colors for the large and small petals of the flower.  I chose a dark pink and an orange fabric for each.  I think they look great together and have a nice contrast.

The center of the flower on my spring coaster is a light purple.  Choose whatever color of fabric you’d like for your flower center!!

The back of the coaster could be a larger print, or a plaid fabric like mine.  Actually, these mug rugs could be reversable so I’d suggest using a fabric that you love in case you’d like to flip your coaster over and use the plain side of it sometime!!

Cutting the Pieces for this Beginner Applique Mug Rug Coaster Project

Top Background – Cut a 5 1/2″ square

Backing Fabric – Cut another 5 1/2″ square.

Big Flower Petal – You’ll need a piece just slightly larger than 4” all the way around.  It doesn’t need to be square.

Smaller Flower Petal – You’ll need a piece about 3”.  This piece doesn’t need to be square, it can be wonky as long as it’s at least 3” all the way around.

Flower Center – Use a piece of fabric about 2” square-ish.

If you’d like to use 5” charm packs they would work too.  Your coasters will just be about a 1/2″ smaller which will be just fine!!

Other Items You Need

You’ll need a 5 1/2″ x 5 1/2″ piece of thin cotton batting to make your cute little coaster quilt!

Use a piece of paper-backed fusible web (like Wonder Under) that’s atleast 4” x 10” in size.

A piece of heavy paper (like cardstock), pencil, scissors, iron, pressing mat, thread, and sewing machine are also needed.  And a plastic quilt ruler and rotary cutter will also be needed.

Making the Flower Applique Templates

It’s so easy to make the simple templates you’ll need to make the flowers for this pretty coaster pattern.

Using a piece of heavy paper to make these templates.  If you only have regular paper it’ll work too.  You can use scrap paper or even an empty cereal box to make these templates.

Let’s get started!

Make Squares and Circles!

Use your quilt ruler to measure and trace a 4”, 3” and 2” square on the paper you’re using for your templates.

Draw a roughly-shaped circle inside of each square.  The circles don’t need to be exact, they can be a bit wonky.  Fill the entire square with the circle.

On the 4” and 3” squares you’re going to make a flower!

Draw the Flower Templates!

To do this mark a dot in the center of the circle with a pencil.  It doesn’t need to be the exact center, just eyeball where you roughly think the center might be.

Draw five lines from this center dot dividing the circle into 5 sections.  It’ll look like a little pie with five slices, lol!!

These sections don’t need to be exact either.  Just do your best to draw the sections to be somewhat evenly-sized.

Draw an arc starting on one of the lines about 1/4″ from the outside of the circle so the arc reaches upward and comes back down again about 1/4″ down on the adjacent line.  You just make a flower petal!

Continue to draw these arcs all the way around the circle until you have a flower shape with five rounded petals.  These are rustic flowers and all the petals don’t need to look exactly the same! Look how rough mine look!!!

Cut out your two 4” and 3” flowers and your 2” circle.  These are your templates!

Make the Applique Pieces for the Mug Rug Coaster

On the paper side of the fusible web use the templates you just made to trace the two flower shapes and the flower center.

Roughly cut around the traced pieces to separate them, not right on the traced lines.

With the paper side and traced lines facing upward place the fusible web pieces on the wrong side of the pieces of fabric used for the flower.

Following directions on the fusible web press the pieces to the fabric.

Let them cool then cut out the flower pieces on the traced lines.

Use your fingernail to begin peeling off the paper.  Peel the paper off of the three fabric pieces.

Making the Appliqued Coaster Top

Starting with the largest flower piece, place it on top of the right side of your 5 1/2″ fabric square for the coaster top.

Press it in place following directions on the fusible web.

Repeat this process for the smaller flower piece and finally the flower center on the very top of it all!

You’ll use a machine-quilting technique to stitch these pieces down permanently once the coaster is sewn together!

Sew Together the Easy Spring Coaster Pattern!

Layer the appliqued coaster top, the square fabric backing piece, and the square of thin cotton batting.  Place the layers so that the two fabric pieces are facing right sides together and the batting is on the bottom.

Pin in place and sew the layers together 1/4″ all the way around leaving about a 2” opening in the middle of one of the sides.

Trim off the corners of the three layers being careful not to snip through any of the stitches.

Carefully turn the coaster right side out through the opening.  Use a little pointed tool or a pin to help you fully turn the corners.

Turn the opening under 1/4″ and pin in place.  Set your straight stitch to a longer length and stitch 1/8” all the way around the coaster, sewing the opening shut.

Machine Quilt the Applique Section

Keep your stitch length a bit longer than normal.  Starting in the flower center stitch a few back stitches than sew all the way around the circle about 1/8” from the edge.

When you close the circle with your stitching, slowly expand the stitching so that you have it going about 1/8” from the outside of the middle flower section.  Stitch all the way around the flower. 

I used gradual curves to go around the inner points of the flower rather than sharp points where the arcs of the petals meet.

When you’ve closed the stitching of where you started it on the center piece gradually move the continuous line of stitching outward to the outside flower piece.

Stitch 1/8” from the outside edge all around the outside of the flower.  Back stitch a few stitches when you come the place where the flower is closed with stitching. 

Voila!  Your spring coaster is complete!!  Have fun making different colored flowers if you make more than one coaster.

Happy stitching!!

If you liked this very mini quilt project, check out my Wild Flowers mini quilt pattern for another way to add some quilts to your home décor!

Wild Flowers mini quilt

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