Hey there, fellow quilting enthusiasts! Get ready to dive into a fun project full of vibrant colors and classic charm. In this tutorial, we’ll be making a classic 12″ Girl’s Favorite quilt block!
This easy and fun block is bursting with fun colors of purples, oranges, pinks, and whites.
With quarter square triangles swirling around a diamond center, it’s the perfect blend of traditional and trendy.
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, grab your supplies and let’s get quilting!
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How the Girl’s Favorite Quilt Block May Have Gotten Its Name
The “Girl’s Favorite” quilt block likely got its name from its charming and feminine design.
The design of this block has historically appealed to many quilters, particularly those crafting for children or young at heart.
The use of soft, delicate colors and intricate patterns often associated with this block might evoke feelings of nostalgia and warmth. That makes it a popular choice for quilts meant to be cherished and loved.
While the exact origin of the name may not be documented, it’s likely that its title emerged organically over time as quilters embraced its timeless beauty and whimsical appeal.
Supplies Needed to Make the Girl’s Favorite Quilt Block
To create your own girl’s favorite quilt block, you’ll need a few essential supplies to get started.
Choosing Fabric for the Girl’s Favorite Quilt Block
Gather four different colors of high-quality quilting cotton to make this gorgeous quilt block. Shop your local quilt store. Or order online from shops like FAT QUARTER SHOP or CONNECTING THREADS.
Make sure that you have colors that will show contrast. You want all the elements of this fun quilt block to pop!
I chose plum, pink, and orange to be the colors in my block. Along with a white blender fabric.
Choose colors that you love! Dig in your fabric stash or purchase a few new fat quarters!!
Other Supplies…
You’ll also need coordinating thread for stitching your pieces together.
To accurately measure and cut your fabric, a rotary cutter, cutting mat, and clear quilting ruler are indispensable tools.
Additionally, don’t forget about a sewing machine equipped with a quarter-inch piecing foot for precise seam allowances.
For pressing your seams and achieving crisp, professional-looking results, an iron and ironing board or wool pressing mat are essential.
I also like to use “Flatter” as I do the final press on my block! This amazing pressing spray gets the flattest seams I’ve ever seen!!
Finally, make sure to have a seam ripper on hand for any necessary adjustments along the way.
Cutting Patches for the Girl’s Favorite Quilt Block
Cut the following pieces for your girl’s favorite quilt block.
Plum: Cut 8 – 3 1/2” x 3 1/2″ squares.
Pink: Cut 4 – 4 3/4″ x 4 3/4″ squares.
Orange: Cut 2 – 4 3/4″ x 4 3/4″ squares and 1 – 6 1/2″ x 61/2″ square.
White: Cut 2 – 4 3/4″ x 4 3/4″ squares.

Let’s Get Sewing!
Now that you have all your pieces cut, let’s get going making this classic quilt block! Make quarter square triangle units and a diamond-in-a-square unit. Here’s how!
Making Quarter Square Triangle Units
Make a total of eight pink, orange, and white quarter square triangle units.

The quarter square triangle unit has four right triangles with the 90-degree corners all meeting in the center of the unit.
But don’t be intimidated by the triangles! You won’t be measuring angles or cutting and sewing any triangles to make this easy quilt block. All you will work with are fabric squares!!
Wait, what? Squares can be sewn into triangles? Yup! And it’s easy peasy too!!!
Just follow these easy steps!
Step 1: Sew Two Squares Together
Using a fine pencil and a straight edge draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the back of the pink squares.

Lay a pink square on top of two orange and two white 4 3/4″ squares.

Align the two squares right sides together with the drawn line facing up. Place a few pins perpendicular to the drawn line to hold the squares in place.
Sew 1/4″ on each side of the drawn lines. Remove the pins as you come up to them.
Cut the squares apart along the drawn line.
Press the seams toward the pink fabric.

You’ve just made four pink/white half square triangle units and four pink/orange half square triangle units.
Step 2: Sew Two Half Square Triangle Units Together
Using a fine pencil and a straight edge draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the back of the pink/orange half square triangle units. The line should run perpendicular to the seam.

Align the pink/orange half square triangle units on top of the pink/white units. They should be right sides together with the drawn line facing up.
Align the seams together so that the pink fabrics line up to either an orange or a white fabric, not pink on top of pink! Make sure the seams are nested.
Place a few pins perpendicular to the drawn line to hold the blocks in place.

Sew 1/4” on each side of the drawn line. Remove the pins as you come up to them.
Cut the units apart along the drawn line. Press the seams toward orange fabric side.

Voila! You’ve just made eight quarter square triangle units!!! Trim them to measure 3 1/2″ square.

For more directions on trimming these units, see my post on Making Quarter Square Triangles!
Make the Diamond in a Square Unit for the Girl’s Favorite Quilt Block.
Draw a diagonal line on the back of four of the 3 1/2″ plum squares.

Right sides together, lay two of these squares in opposite corners of the 6 1/2″ orange square. Make sure the diagonal lines are parallel to the corners of the orange square.
Sew along the drawn lines.
Trim the outer corners 1/4″ from the seam. Press seams toward the plum fabric.

Sew the other plum squares onto the other two corners of the orange square. Trim the outer corners 1/4″ from the seam. Press seams toward the plum fabric.

This diamond-in-a-square unit should measure 6 1/2″ square.
Arrange, Sew and Press the Rows of the Girl’s Favorite Quilt Block

Sew two sets of quarter square triangle units together as shown here.

Then sew them to the left and right sides of the diamond-in-a-square unit.

Lay out these sewn units, the other quarter square triangle units and the remaining 3 1/2″ plum squares into three rows to form the design of the block.
Sew the rows together. Press the seams of the first and third row to the right. Press the seams of the middle row to the left. This way the seams will nest together when you sew the rows to each other.

Finishing the Girl’s Favorite Quilt Block
Sew the rows to each other, making sure to nest and pin the seams in place.

Remove pins as you sew.
Press the seams of these rows either upward or downward so the quilt block lays flat.

Voila! You’ve just finished the Girl’s Favorite Quilt Block. Yay!!
Whether you’re a seasoned quilter or just starting out, I hope this tutorial has inspired you to explore new techniques and unleash your creativity.
I can’t wait to see the girl’s favorite quilt blocks you create! Tag me @lakegirlquilts on Instagram or Facebook so I can see your beautiful work!!
Happy quilting!
For more fun quilt patterns visit my shop on Etsy!