The Patchwork Sawtooth quilt block is an easy block for a beginning quilter! This is the thirteenth block in the Scrappy Stars Quilt Pattern series. …
Patchwork Sawtooth Quilt Block for Beginners

q u i l t I n g . c r e a t i n g . r e c i p e s . l a k e l i f e
The Patchwork Sawtooth quilt block is an easy block for a beginning quilter! This is the thirteenth block in the Scrappy Stars Quilt Pattern series. …
The Striped Sawtooth quilt block is an easy block for a beginning quilter! This is the eleventh block in the Scrappy Stars Quilt Pattern series. …
The Pinwheel Sawtooth Star quilt block is an easy block pattern for a beginning quilter! This is the sixth block in the Scrappy Stars Quilt …
The Quarter Square Sawtooth Star quilt block is an easy block for a beginning quilter! This is the third block in the “Scrappy Stars” Quilt …